Experienced backend developer specializing in creating optimized and streamlined services. Proven track record in managing AWS services, containers, deployment pipelines, and system design for cloud infrastructure.

Successfully led projects that improved distributed service integrity through OpenSearch logs and disaster recovery. I've submitted projects proposal, scoped the design documents and implemented distributed services.

Senior Software Engineer

October 2023 ~ Now

~ Unbiased
  • Migrated the existing monolith Match flow service to a Golang microservice. The improves the monolith performance and increase system stability, fault tolerance and visibility.
  • Developed a disaster recovery tool for Match flow Pub/Sub, in case of system downtime the customer journey must still succeed and eventually get matched with the correct financial advisor. This ensures no financial loss for the business, the advisors and no loss of customer experience.
  • Protobuf SDK automation with GitHub Actions, increasing developer efficiency and reducing human error
    • Protobuf as a source of truth for SDK generation
    • Repository dispatch to trigger PHP/Go SDK self-generation and publish
  • Closely integrating authentication with GIP delegating security compliance to the Google Identity Platform
    • Over 5,000 users are enrolled onto GIP
    • Security enhanced with SMS based MFA
    • Lazy migration with fallback auth to smoothen user experience

Senior Software Engineer

January 2022 ~ October 2023

~ Shopworks
  • Improved visibility of service events by introducing OpenSearch, reducing issue detection time by half. A centralised log service with only relevant information allowed us to analyse trends over the integration services and isolate issues quickly.
  • Designed, proposed, and led a redesign of monolithic components into serverless services on AWS. Contributed to a 30% reduction in server costs, improved our overall stability during peak load, and reduced the average latency of requests.
  • Onboard new clients through our integration systems and helping them set up initial pipeline to ensure data integrity and guarantee successful customer integration journey.
  • Improved SolvedBy.AI service to be event driven. The rota planning AI endpoints was replaced with a webhook based approach. Then the FE was updated to use SSE to listen for the webhook publisher. This approach reduce the server load and unnecessary query to the database and improved user experience.

Software Engineer

May 2021 ~ January 2022

~ GeckoEngage
  • Create/maintain a polymorphic integration solution with CQRS and Event Sourcing
  • Create/maintain an internal URL shortening module to save cost on SMS services and data storage. Saving upwards to 80% character space leading upto 50% cost reduction.
  • Delivered a customer-facing changelogs service, increasing client engagement and enhancing transparency in development updates
  • SDK library generation with JSON Schema source of truth to PHP SDK
  • Built pipelines for unit testing, build steps and deployment with Github Actions

Fullstack Developer

June 2018 ~ May 2021

~ PavilionWeb

Computer Science (Bachelors with Honors) 2:1

Sept 2016 ~ 2020

~ University of Glasgow
  • Go
  • Elixir
  • PHP (7.x, 8.x)
  • Python
  • JS/TS
  • GORM, Fiber
  • Phoenix, LiveView, Ecto, Floki
  • Laravel, Bref
  • Django, FastAPI
  • Svelte, React, Vue, Next, Vite
  • AWS, GCloud, Serverless, Docker
  • Git, GitHub, GitLab
  • Protobuf
  • CI/CD
  • Vim/Neovim